Achieving real results using ancient knowledge and cutting edge science technology. Healing your Mind, Body and Spirit……. Reconnect with your own divine spirit
Scenar technology mimics nerve impulses in a biofeedback communication with the central nervous system, re-establishing homeostasis. Once this is established the Pain Genie device stimulates the nervous system to produce neuropeptides sending the body’s natural internal pharmacy of bio-active compounds directly to the stressed cells restoring equilibrium and thus healing.
A big shout out to Richard Cumbers for his tireless work in searching for new technological instruments that improve our health. He has been getting amazing results for many years with the PainGenie, which really is a remarkable little device. Based on Scenar Electronic Technology devised by the Russian Space Agency, it has proved time and time again it’s effectiveness in a whole host of areas.
Please see Richard’s Pain Genie website link below to learn more about this fantastic device which include testimonials from professional sports stars to actors.
The first Pain Genie appointment always starts with bringing the body back into homeostasis, using the 3 pathways (back) and 6 points (head) technique, prior to working directly on the issue in the body. This ensures all subsequent work has maximum benefit to the affected area. Please see the link below for a good explanation on how Homeostasis works.
However, as many people will contest after years of having remedy work for varying ailments the problem always seems to comeback. This is due to an energy block in the body which the PainGenie thus clears.
However, this is not always necessarily the end of it either as all injured areas are a stress point in the body which had an origination earlier in life. Please see further information towards the bottom of this article and also my Holographic Kinetics page for more detail.
Anyway, back to the body and how it works. As you have seen from the article our stress response (“fight or flight response”) and the General Adaption Syndrome (GAS) plays and absolutely essential part in our Nervous System
The nervous system consists of two main components that work together.
The somatic nervous system has a dual role. It first collects information about the outside world from sensory organs (eyes, ears, nose, etc.) and transmits it to the CNS. Second, it sends signals from the CNS to the skeletal muscles, which initiate movement (such as directing the action of the arms, legs, head, and trunk). We can voluntarily use these nerves to do such things as raising an arm or moving a leg.
“The ANS innervates three types of tissue: glands, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle. As such, almost every part of the body is a target of the ANS,…”
The hypothalamus, which is considered the command centre of the brain, controls the entire autonomic system. The hypothalamus receives information about any variations in, for instance, the body’s chemical makeup, and adjusts the autonomic system to bring the body back to the right balance. Involuntary means we can’t intentionally control these nerves; they respond automatically to internal messages as well as external messages as interpreted by our thoughts and emotions.
Autonomic Nervous System is made up of three main components:[8]
The enteric nervous system (ENS) is the nervous system that monitors and controls the gastrointestinal tract. It is often referred to as the “little brain” because of its unique neural system embedded in the lining of the esophagus, stomach, intestines, pancreas, and gallbladder.
The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) responds more directly to ‘stressed’ thoughts and moods, such as anger, anxiety, worry, frustration, fear, excitement, competition, and sorrow. It produces a stress response to these thoughts and moods.
The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) responds more directly to “calming” thoughts and moods, such as peace, contentment, confidence, security, and harmony. It helps to calm and relax the body by producing a rest response to these thoughts and moods.
When both the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems are given the opportunity to function normally, they work in opposition to each other to keep the body in balance. When one is active, the other is subdued.
The SNS stimulates the body whereas the PNS calms and relaxes the body.
The stress response and the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)
To enhance our ability to survive and enjoy a long life, the body has a special survival mechanism that engages when we believe we could be in danger.
The emergency response or the fight, flight, or freeze response (because some people freeze like a “deer caught in headlights” when they feel overly stressed or afraid is the body’s natural defence system.
As a race we have evolved over thousands of years, in the days when humans had to protect themselves against vicious beasts on a daily basis, this “emergency system” came in handy. Modern day living is but a moment in time compared to how many years it has taken us to evolve and although we may feel that we do not face the same dangers today, unfortunately the body, as explained above does not recognise the difference between a saber-toothed tiger and a traffic warden or the pressure a job brings or financial pressures and thus our emergency system still responds the same way. Couple that with what humanity has endured since March 2020 and we can see how we can be stuck in a perpetual cycle of fight or flight.
Notice that when an emergency alarm is triggered, stress hormones flood the bloodstream and instantly cause the many changes that give the body the resources to either fight or flee. As we are fighting or fleeing, the body uses up the emergency resources until the danger has passed. Once the danger has passed, the body comes off of high alert, the SNS gears down, and the body recovers and returns to normal physiology.
Stress hormones affect the body in many ways because they are SUPPOSED to equip the body for emergency action – to either fight or flee.
It’s the thought that counts
Because there is a tight mind/body connection, the moment we “truly believe” we could be in danger, the body produces a stress response as if we are in actual danger. That’s because the brain interprets our thoughts as reality.
The body responds to what we think
So, the moment you think you could be in danger, your body will produce a stress response whether you are in actual danger or not.
This is why worry – imagining something harmful might happen – can cause stress responses. Again, your body responds to what your mind thinks and the stress point in your body is invariably linked to a physical aspect of you.
Therefore without the ability to clear those limiting and or damaging thoughts we are destined to repeat these cycles over and over again like some kind of frustrating groundhog day.
With the amazing modality of Holographic Kinetics we are able to access that moment in time when that emotional catharsis was first activated and ultimately clear it! Usually this occurs at the same time as the physical stress point was also activated but not always. However it’s a simple process of travelling up the timeline to find out the moment in time when the stress point in the physical body was activated and clear that. There will always be an emotional link connected in both circumstances even if those moments in time were not activated at the same time. Please see my Holographic Kinetics page to see how free flowing energy can become trapped and crystallized and how this crystallized energy locks into the weakest or most stressed point in the body at that moment of trauma. This trapped energy can, over a period of time, especially when continually fed by our emotions manifest in the physical aspect of our body but obviously can also be demonstrated as anti- social behaviour, confusion, dysfunction etc etc.