Achieving real results using ancient knowledge and cutting edge science technology. Healing your Mind, Body and Spirit……. Reconnect with your own divine spirit
HK understands the science behind LORE, which is universal and transcends all dimensions. It recognises man as a multi-dimensional being in a multi-dimensional world consisting of a Spirit, soul and a physical, each a separate dimension including internal dimensions of reality.
The clients Spirit knows when a reality or event/trauma was created and who it belongs to, Spirit communicates with me if the event/trauma belongs to…..
By clearing and replacing those internal dimensions from the past they stop the cycles of time repeating in the future.
When we experience intense events and are not able to fully process or integrate them, the energy is no longer free-flowing universal energy, but rather stalls and spirals inward, becoming trapped and transformed into potential energy.
Whatever we create through the very act of a thought and hang onto, it has the potential to manifest into our reality. That reality belongs to us and as it is our creation we experience all that’s within that creation. However, as the creator of that dimension… we, through our Spirit have the rights and ability to change it, HK sessions do just this, in an instant.
HK has the ability to access the cause of the effect down that created dimension.
During the session, HK relies on spiritual integration not analytical comprehension, this is far far simpler than it may sound and as your practitioner i will guide you through the simple and sincere process to achieve the desired results.
It is also important that the client is willing to take responsibility, i have found that usually by the time someone is seeking help they are ready to do whatever it takes to help themselves move to a better place. Please view my testimonials below.
Please note HK has nothing to do with trance work, it is not hypnosis related and is not shamanic healing. Nothing is invited in, you have everything within you to clear you of the issues hampering you and create the future you want for yourself and your loved ones.
Read The Science behind HK to understand how this works.