Achieving real results using ancient knowledge and cutting edge science technology. Healing your Mind, Body and Spirit……. Reconnect with your own divine spirit
To fully comprehend Holographic Kinetics we have to step outside of the mainstream way of thinking and look at the body holistically to acknowledge that we are multi-dimensional beings with invisible parts e.g spirit, chakras, aura, meridians, soul etc, as well as the visible parts : physical body and all it’s organs. Kirlian photography demonstrates this, see below.
Kirlian photography proves the existence of the many levels of energetic aura’s we have around our body’s.
As a species human beings are virtually blind when it comes to what we can see with our eyes. Anything that exists outside of visible light does not cease to exist just because it is beyond the visible light spectrum.
Visible light spectrum. Color waves length perceived by human eye. Rainbow electromagnetic waves. Educational school physics diagram. Scheme nanometer, rays electromagnetic spectrum illustration
Your Spirit is the life force that animates you. It is that spark of life that looks out through your eyes everyday, it is beyond your genetic make up, beyond your everyday thoughts beyond your ego, beyond all the knowledge your intellect thinks you know, it is present with all this and yet can be shrouded by it, by the ego, by the soul etc etc. But it is ever present and just patiently waiting to start working with us as mind precedes all, spirit will work upon our instruction.
Spirit is simply a life force that is ever present and witness to every moment of your life. Your Spirit is connected to the greater source of life, your Spirit is an aspect of something greater, therefore it has access to everything that has ever happened that you are connected to. Indigenous peoples understand and know that all things have a living Spirit within. Every Tree, every animal, every insect, every rock, all life including you.